JMRC recently joined the International Secondary Mortgage Market Association (ISMMA), which is the first global association that brings together mortgage institutions from around the world, it aims to exchange information among mortgage refinance companies and provide support to newly established institutions in the field of mortgage refinancing.

It also offers a platform for members to exchange ideas and proposals with the goal of achieving suitable, safe, and affordable housing for all.

The association currently has 31 members from various countries, including the largest mortgage refinance companies in the world, such as:

  • Fannie Mae (USA)
  • Ginnie Mae (USA)
  • Housing Refinance Fund (France)
  • Cagamas Berhad (Malaysia)
  • Korea Housing Finance Corporation (KHFC)
  • Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
  • Japan Housing Finance Agency
  • Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation
  • Saudi Real Estate Refinance Company (SRC

Joining the association offers the following benefits:

  • Access to the experiences of member countries and keeping up with the latest developments and global studies related to mortgage refinancing.
  • Consulting with the association's secretariat and member countries and benefiting from their expertise on any matters related to the company's operations.
  • Attending association meetings and having the right to vote on all matters, work agendas, and any proposals presented in the meetings.
  • Access to all contents of the association's new website and social media platforms (Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube), where research, studies, annual books of member countries, and any matters related to mortgage markets will be available, along with many studies on energy efficiency and best practices related to green housing finance.

It is noteworthy that the International Secondary Mortgage Market Association (ISMMA) was established in May 2018 with the support of the World Bank. The association's secretariat was initially based in Washington at the World Bank headquarters, and then it was moved to the European Mortgage Federation - European Covered Bond Council in Brussels, Belgium.

